The Importance of Being Private (A Research Note on How the
Presence of Others Can Bias Survey Responses) (with Michelle Dion)
(Draft available upon request)
Can a Shared National Identity Trump Ethnic Identity? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Singapore (with Risa Toha)
(Draft available upon request)
Anglicans, Dissenters and Electoral Behavior in 19th century Great Britain (with Carles Boix and Pau Grau)
Do Grades Enhance Learning and Effort? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Singapore (with Scott Chua and Tim Wertz)
Paper Abstract Featured in Nada es Gratis here (Spanish)
(2023)Voting Behavior under Doubts of Ballot Secrecy (with Kai Ostwald), Democratization. PaperSupplementary Materials
(2022)Lying Behavior When the Payoffs are Shared with Charity:
Experimental Evidence (with Scott Chua and Jessica Chang), Journal of Economic Psychology Paper Abstract Featured in Nada es Gratis here (Spanish) [Replication files]
(2020) Legal Origins, Religion and Health Outcomes: A Cross-Country Comparison of Organ Donation Laws (with Jean Liu, Boyu Lu Zhao, and Clin Lai), Journal of Institutional Economics. [Paper] [Abstract] [Supplementary Materials]
(2020) What Determines Preferences for an Electoral System? Evidence from a Binding Referendum (with Steven Stillman and Geua Boe-Gibson),
Public Choice. [Paper] [Abstract] [Supplementary Materials]
(2016) Do Citizens Vote for Parties, Policies or the Expected Winner in Proportional Representation Systems?, Party Politics. [Paper] [Abstract]
(2015) Bandwagon or Strategic Voting in Israel?
Note on Bargsted Kedar (2009), Electoral Studies.
[Paper] [Abstract]
I would like to show my gratitude to Matias Bargsted and Orit Kedar for gently sharing their code with me.
Click here to read the original
Bargsted Kedar (2009)
Work in Progress
Building Layouts and Social Capital (with Kai Ostwald)
This project examines how urban design affects community relations and social capital. Residents in public housing in Singapore (80% of the total population) do not vary in terms of their exposure to socialization mechanisms, but do vary in terms of contact due to variation in the floor plans of buildings. Specifically, one type of public housing building has corridors that facilitate contact between residents, while the other type has corridors that tend to inhibit contact. We compare residents from pairs of building from the two building types, but within the same area. Our questionnaire allows us to capture familiarity with neighbors, as well as important attitudes and behaviors towards intra- and inter-ethnic interaction and social attitudes generally. Preliminary findings suggest that building design has implications not only for social capital but also for attitudes towards the outgroup. This has clear implications for urban design and public policies.
Fair-Weather Friends? Household Social Networks and Disaster Relief Aid (with Cesi Cruz)
This project seeks to understand how social connections affect resource allocation in the context of an emergency. Previous research has shown that after natural disasters,
government officials are likely to divert resources to areas where they have larger fractions of
supporters, or where they have connections to the local leaders (Aldrich, 2010; Aldrich,
2011; Atkinson et al., 2014; Jablonski, 2014). To the best of our knowledge, however, no
research has looked at what happens at the very last step of aid relief distribution|that
is, how relief resources are allocated once they reach the village level. The survey datasets
we use (one collected by us [N=800], the other by the World Bank [N=1,200]) provide
detailed information on social and political connections on the one hand, and relief
distribution on the other, in multiple regions in the Philippines that were at some point
affected by a typhoon. Preliminary results suggest that, contrary to the dynamics at
higher levels, provision of goods at the local level is independent of connections. This
suggests that a political economy model that aims to fully capture the value of political
connections should account for heterogeneous effects at various levels of political power.
The policy implication is clear: decentralization seems to be the optimal choice.
Drivers of Support for Women in Politics in Myanmar (with Paul Minoletti and Khin Myo Wai)
The effect presumed consent laws on organ donations
Underreporting turnout in surveys: how can we use it to improve inference.
How Economic Conditions Can Change Cultural Institutions: Eating Habits pre- and post- Civil War in Spain